Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/54

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The Capital.

The name of the capital of Korea is Seoul, and is pronounced almost like the immortal part of man — soul. Perhaps it would be more nearly correct to say that it is pronounced "sowl," with the last part of the sound slightly prolonged. There has been much dispute among the foreigners as to just how it is pronounced by the Koreans. It is perfectly reasonable to suppose that the Korean knows how to pronounce the name of the capital of his country; to this all will agree, but to get everybody to agree to just what he says when he pronounces it is quite another thing. Some people declare that it is always pronounced as if it had two syllables, while others hear only one syllable, slightly drawn out, about like an Irishman would say "me sowl."

As to where the word came from or from what it is derived no one knows, and no Korean seems to care. It has been here so long, and always meaning their capital, that they are perfectly willing to let meddlesome foreigners settle all such questions as to where it came from or how it was derived. It not only means the capital of Korea, but in like manner Peking is the Seoul of China, Tokyo is the Seoul of Japan, and Washington is the Seoul of the United States.

Truly Seoul is the soul of Korea. Here is the cen-
