Page:Village life in Korea (1911).djvu/63

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The Capital.

Shoe Town, and Hat-Makers' Row, with the blacksmith, the silversmith, and all the rest; but all are very much alike.

The markets are conducted every morning in the wide streets inside the South and East Gates. These are open and the traders ready for business every morning long before sunup. In these markets one may get a glimpse of what the people eat, By nine o'clock in the morning the marketing is over, the people have returned to their homes, and everything in the streets and market places moves on as quietly as if no one ever cared to drive a hard bargain with his neighbor. The little shops along the streets remain open all day, but these are not the places where the food supplies are sold.

Now come with me; let us take a stroll up the side of Nam San. It will afford us an excellent view of the city, and one such as we cannot get from any other point. As we pass down the street to the beautiful shady walk that leads up the side of the mountain, we notice that all the men we meet are dressed in white. Yes, everybody dresses in white in Chosen. It is quite true that when a coolie has worn his white suit for three months without a change it would be in the bounds of truth to call it slightly colored; but never mind, it has been white, and that is sufficient. All people wear white in Korea.

Yes, we have already told you that there are no sidewalks in Seoul. Men, women, children, horses, cows, and dogs all walk together in the same street. See this man lying in the middle of the street fast