Page:Vindication Women's Rights (Wollstonecraft).djvu/69

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not opened. People of taſte, married or ſingle, without diſtinction, will ever be diſguſted by various things that touch not leſs obſerving minds. On this concluſion the argument muſt not be allowed to hinge; but in the whole ſum of enjoyment is taſte to be denominated a bleſſing?

The queſtion is, whether it procures moſt pain or pleaſure? The anſwer will decide the propriety of Dr. Gregory's advice, and ſhew how abſurd and tyrannic it is thus to lay down a ſyſtem of ſlavery; or to attempt to educate moral beings, by any other rules than thoſe deduced from pure reaſon, which apply to the whole ſpecies.

Gentleneſs of manners, forbearance and long-ſuffering, are ſuch amiable Godlike qualities, that in ſublime poetic ſtrains the Deity has been inveſted with them; and, perhaps no repreſentation of his goodneſs ſo ſtrongly faſtens on the human affections as thoſe that repreſent him abundant in mercy and willing to pardon. Gentleneſs, conſidered in this point of view, bears on its front all the characteristics of grandeur, combined with the winning graces of condeſcenſion; but what a different aſpect it aſſumes when it is the ſubmiſſive demeanour of dependence, the ſupport of weakneſs that loves, becauſe it wants protection; and is forbearing, becauſe it muſt ſilently endure injuries; ſmiling under the laſh at which it dare not ſnarl. Abject as this picture appears, it is the portrait of an accompliſhed woman, according to the received opinion of female excellence, ſeparated by ſpecious reaſoners from human excellence. Or, they [1] kindly reſtore the


  1. Vide Rouſſeau, and Swedenborg.