Page:Virgil's Pastorals, Georgics and Aeneis - Dryden (1709) - volume 2.djvu/112

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Æn. I.

Through various Hazards, and Events we move285
To Latium, and the Realms foredoom'd by Jove.
Call'd to the Seat, (the Promise of the Skies,)
Where Trojan Kingdoms once again may rise.
Endure the Hardships of your present State,
Live, and reserve your selves for better Fate.290
These Words he spoke; but spoke not from his Heart;
His outward Smiles conceal'd his inward Smart.
The jolly Crew, unmindful of the past,
The Quarry share, their plenteous Dinner haste:294
Some strip the Skin, some portion out the Spoil;
The Limbs yet trembling, in the Cauldrons boyl:
Some on the Fire the reeking Entrails broil.
Stretch'd on the grassy Turf, at ease they dine;
Restore their Strength with Meat, and chear their Souls with Wine.
Their Hunger thus appeas'd, their Care attends300
The doubtful Fortune of their absent Friends:
Alternate Hopes and Fears their Minds possess,
Whether to deem 'em dead, or in Distress.
Above the rest, Æneas mourns the Fate
Of brave Orontes, and th' uncertain State305
Of Gyas, Lycus, and of Amycus:
The Day, but not their Sorrows, ended thus.
When, from aloft, Almighty Jove surveys
Earth, Air, and Shoars, and navigable Seas,
At length on Lybian Realms he fix'd his Eyes:310
Whom, pond'ring thus on Human Miseries,