Page:Virtue & beauty in danger, or, King Edward courting the London virgin.pdf/3

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Your gentle heart can’t men’s hearts much abide,
And women leaſt angry, when moſtly they chide;
Then yield to me kindly, and ſee that at length,
Men they want mercy, and women want ſtrength.

I grant that fair Ladies may poor men reſiſt,
And Princes may conquer, and woo when they liſt;
A King may command her to lie by his ſide,
Whoſe features deſerveth to be a King’s Bride.

In granting your love, you ſhall purchaſe renown,
Your head ſhall be crown’d with England’s fair crown;
Thy garments moſt gallant with joy ſhall be wrought,
If true love with treaſure of thee may be bought.

Great Ladies of honour attend on thy train,
Moſt richly attir’d with ſcarlet in grain;
My chamber moſt princely thy perſon ſhall keep,
Where virgins with muſic ſhall rock thee to ſleep.

If there’s any pleaſure thy ear can invent,
Command them, fſweet Lady, thy mind to content,
For Kings’ gallant courts where Princes do dwell,
Afford ſuch ſweet paſtime as Ladies love well.

Then be not reſolved to die a true maid,
But print in thy boſom theſe words I have ſaid,
And grant a King favour, your true love to be,
That I may fay, Welcome ſweet Virgin to me.


O Wanton King Edward, thy labour is vain,
To follow the pleaſures thou can’ſt not attain,
With getting thou loſeſt, and having, do make it,
The which if thou purchaſe, is ſpoil'd if thou haſt it.