Page:Virtue & beauty in danger, or, King Edward courting the London virgin.pdf/7

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The greateſt rake in the town, ſhe’ll invite him down,
with her to drink brandy and tea, &c.

While others that’s chaſte, they think it is beſt,
in their heart ſuch baſe ways to abhor,
While conſtant they’ll prove and true to their love,
whether he is at ſea or on ſhore.
But if I could find ſuch a one to my mind,
to her my will I would make,
For a virtuous wife is the joy of man’s life,
then adieu to the life of a rake, &c.



COME all you briſk damſels of Sunderland fair,
Come liſten a while and I’ll to you declare,
’Tis of a briſk damſel you quickly ſhall hear.
Who ventur’d her life for the fake of her dear.

In man’s apparel well rigged was ſhe,
She was, gallantly rigged and fit for the ſea,
She was gallantly rigged in royal eſlate.
And aboard with ſweet William ſhe ſhipp’d herſelf ſtraight;

This damſel was brought up to write and to read,
And alſo to cypher, if ſhe flood in need,
She ſerved two twelvemonths with all her whole heart,
And ſo bravely ſhe learned the mariner’s art.

She ſerved her Captain two twelvemonths and mere,
And at laſt they did ſteer from the fair Engliſh ſhore,
We eſpied a proud Frenchman, failing on the main,
Which caus’d us to hoiſt up our top-fails again.

Come let us live merry, come let our hearts live,
And now of our enemies let us obſerve:
We ſoon overtook them on the ocean ſo wide,
And the firſt ſalutation gave them broadſide.