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No LIFE PLEASING to GOD, that is not USEFUL to MAN.


IT pleaſed the mighty ſovereign Abbas Caroſcan, from whom the Kings of the earth derive honour and dominion, to ſet Mirza, his ſervant over the province of Tauris. In the hand of Mirza, the balance of diſtribution was ſplendid with impartiality; and under his adminiſtration the weak were protected, the learned received honour, and the diligent became rich. Mirza, therefore, was beheld by every eye with complacency, while every tongue pronounced bleſſings on his head. But it was obſerved that he derived no joys from the benefits which he diffuſed, he became penſive and melancholy; he ſpent his leiſure in ſolitude; in his place he ſat motionleſs upon a ſofa; and when he went out, his walk was ſlow, and his eyes were fixed upon the ground. He applied to