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governed? By theſe only, who have no fear of judgement? By thoſe alone whoſe life is brutal, becauſe, like brutes, they do not conſider that they ſhould die?--Or who, indeed, are the Faithful?--Are the buſy multitudes that crowd the city, in a ſtate of perdition? And is the cell of the Derviſe alone the gate of Paradiſe? To all, the life of a Derviſe is not poſſible: To all, therefore, it can not be a duty. Depart to the houſe which has in the city been prepared for thy reſidence; I ſhall meditate the reaſon of thy requeſt; and may He who illuminates the mind of the humble, enable me to determine with wiſdom!"

Mirza departed; and on the third day, having received no commands he again requeſted an audience, and it was granted. When he entered the royal preſence, his countenance appeared more cheerful; he drew a letter from his boſom, and having kiſſed it, he preſented it with his right hand.

"My lord," ſaid he, "I have learned by this letter, which I received from Coſrou, the Iman. who now ſtands before thee, in what manner life may be beſt