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that I have not recieved: As the ſands of the deſert drink up the drops of rain, or the dew of the morning; ſo do I alſo, who am but duſt, imbibe the inſtructions of the Prophet. Believe then, that it is he who tells thee all knowledge is prophane which terminates in thyſelf; and by a life waſted by ſpeculation, little even of this can be gained. When the gates of Paradiſe are thrown open before thee, thy mind ſhall be irradiated in a moment; here thou canſt little more than pile error upon error, there thou ſhalt build truth upon truth. Wait, therefore for the glorious viſion; and in the mean time, emulate the eagle. Much is in thy power, and, therefore, much is expected of thee. Though the Almighty alone can give virtue; yet, as a prince, thou mayeſt ſtimulate thoſe to beneficence, who act from no higher motive than immediate intereſt; thou canſt not produce the principle, but mayeſt enforce the practice The relief of the poor is equal, whether they receive it from oſtentation or charity; and the effect of example is the ſame, whether it be intended to obtain the favour of God or