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( 24 )

(and, by by his polite behaviour, added daily to his credit in that court, one day fairly put the queſtion, and aſked the duke if he had the philoſopher's ſtone or not? My friend ſaid the duke, I have: and becauſe I have a regard for you, I will give you the receipt in few words, I never bid another do that which I can do myſelf; I never put of till to-morrow what may be done to-day; nor do I ever think any matter so trivial as not to deſerve notice. The Venetian thanked his ſerene Highneſs for his ſecret: and by obſerving his rules acquired a great eſtate How well ſhould I be pleaſed, if not a few of my readers ſhould do the like by obſerving mine!