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Vision of Almet, &c.


ALMET the Derviſe, who watched the ſacred lamp in the ſepulchre of the Prophet as he one day roſe up from the devotions of the morning, which he had performed at the gate of the temple, with his body turned towards the Eaſt, and his forehead upon the earth, he ſaw before him a man in ſplendid apparel, attended by a long retinue, who gazed ſtedfaſtly on him, with a look of mournful complacency, and ſeemed deſirous to ſpeak, but unwilling to offend.

The Derviſe, after a ſhort ſilence, advanced and ſaluted him with the calm dignity, which independence confers upon humility, requeſted that he would reveal his purpoſe.