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Viſions, Warnings and Judgements

on their enemies. All this I had in the viſion of light.

28. Another time I ſaw a man coming to me, who ſaid, He had no great commiſſion at the time, only, the devil had taken his journey, to excite and ſtir up the inſtruments, who were to accompliſh the deſolating ſtroke and fall of Antichriſt in this land.

29. Feb. 9. After the ſame manner I heard one ſaying, I will drive this generation in my anger, as the ſmoke of a furnace is driven, which no man can gather or bring back where it was; for I will make their aſhes like a furnace that burneth, which, when it is paſt, men go and look into the furnace, and can ſee nothing but aſhes; for the moſt part of this generation makes a mock at all my warnings of judgements, but they ſhall all be accompliſhed within a few years, as I have told thee in ſome warnings before. Jan 13. Theſe ſins, breach of covenant, and Satan’s ſins which call him out of heaven, &c. At the ſame time, I ſaw a man, as with a drawn ſword in his hand, who ſaid, I am come down to take peace from the earth, and to proclaim war againſt Antichriſt, &c. by Michael and his anpels with this ſword, with which I have given him one ſtroke already. And I heard another angel crying with a loud voice, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of devils, Rev. xiv. 8, &c. For Antichriſt hath aſſumed to himſelf the name of being Chriſt’s Vicar, which is Chriſt’s equal: whereas I have no equal neither will have any man have that name on earth. I will root out Antichriſt, and it ſhall be with him as with the world at the laſt day, when I will diſſolve it into nothing, it ſhall never take root again, which I will ſhortly accompliſh.

30. Feb. 11. While I lay upon my bed, about two of the clock afternoon, the viſion of light appeared ſo great, that I thought there was no houſe above, only clothes, and I heard a voice ſaying, As I am in heaven, and thou upon the earth, lying upon thy bed, I will give this generation a ſtroke, that all the doctors on the earth cannot cure. Then I apprehended a man walking by me with a ſeal in his hand, and he ſtood ſtill, and lifted up his right hand, and ſwore by him that liveth for ever and ever, That he had often foretold, but they would not believe, but mocked at all the warnings, neither wilt thou