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Viſions, Warnings and Judgements

joice over her ye heavens, and ye prophets, and ye holy apoſtles, for God hath avenged you upon her. And a mighty angel, took up a ſtone like a milſtone, and caſt it into the ſea, ſaying, Thus with violence ſhall that great city Babylon be thrown down, to be found no more at all.

32. Feb. 21. It was laid before me in printed letters, That the Lord was about to plead with Antichriſt for the blood-ſhed of his ſervants by him, ſince he had a beginning, which he would inſtance in theſe nations following, Germany, Bohemia, Piedmont, France, Spain, Britain, and Ireland, and particularly the bloody houſe of Auſtria, and for what was done in the Netherlands, which was made deſolate not for their own quarrel but for mine, becauſe they would not deny me; and acknowledge the Pope to be head of my church. At the ſame time it was ſaid, I will raze the kingdom of Spain as the top of a rock, that hath neither food for man nor beaſt, but I will firſt bring him to Britain, to avenge me of mine enemies, and for the injuries done me and my church there, and then I will take the rod and throw it in the fire, and curſed be that man that refuſeth to go forth, and bathe his ſword in the blood of Antichriſt.

33. At another time, I perceived a man walking with an inkhorn by his ſide, and a pen in his hand, and when I faſtened mine eyes upon him, he ſaid, I am to ſet a mark and ſeal upon the followers of the Lamb, to diſtinguiſh them from thoſe that have the mark of the beaſt, in the approaching and deſolating ſtroke.

34. At another time it was laid before me, by three ſimiles, what he would do with Antichriſt, the firſt was a fiſher drawing his net, and every fiſh that wanted fins and ſcales, he threw into the bottom of the ſea, where they were never found any more; the ſecond was of a man taking a handful of ſand, and throwing it againſt the winds, that it was never ſeen or hard any more; the third was a man cutting down a field of corn, who left ſome ſtalks ſtanding and ſome falling, and afterwards ſeeking for ſeed in theſe ſtalks, he found them all conſumed and rotten in the heart. At the ſame time a great light appeared unto me, which made me much concerned, and it was ſaid to me, I have touched thy