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upon Scotland, England and Ireland.

and had ſteel harneſſing from head to foot, he replied, this is to tell you that he is a man able for all that oppoſe him, and needs neither hilt nor bar, to cut down this generation and ſave a remnant, Then I anſwered I cannot ſee how a man, with ſuch a ſword, and in ſuch a rage as he ſeems to be, can ſave a remnant, to which it was replied, I will let thee ſee that preſently, then I ſaw at a diſtance from me as it had been a company of men, and he ſaid there is a company of men, and the man with the ſword had one ſon in the company, upon which I ſaw the man begin and cut down the company with the ſword, and none eſcaped till he came to his own ſon, and as he was fetching a ſtroke at him he did not run away nor deſiſt, but graſped him in his arms, and cried, Be merciful father, I am your own ſon, and when he heard the voice of his ſon, he let the ſword fall till the point ſtuck in the ground and never touched him, then I heard as if the one had ſaid to the other? How can we believe ſuch warnings as theſe ſpoken by ſuch a man, when it is reported by men of great ſkill that he is out of order and of a light brain? The other anſwered, I am the root and offspring of David, the bright morning ſtar, I hold the ſeven ſtars in my right hand, who dare ſay unto me what doeſt thou? And when I have a warning to give I chooſe whom I pleaſe to give forth my warning, if my warnings bear not my ſeal, and be not recording to my word, they quarrel it, but they are not concerned with the commiſſioner, what condition he be in, that is nothing to you, and you have no more anſwer to expect from me at this time.

48. Upon Friday following, I was warned by a voice, that he was preparing a ſacrifice in the Iſlands of Britain and Ireland, particularly in the Highlands of Scotland, then I heard one ſaying, O that this generation, both men and women, would believe this and lay it to heart, what a time this will be when they ſhall be awakened out of their ſleep, and poſſibly ſee nothing but their neighbours houſes all in a flame if not their own. This I have laid before you in the name of the Lord.

49. In 1736, in the viſion of light, I thought I was in a pleaſant field, and there appeared unto me a man