Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/101

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THE fourth and fifth visions form a new chapter in this series of symbolic prophecies, which, though in a sense standing by themselves, are in the true psychological order, and in the closest possible relation with the wonderful things which had already been unfolded before the prophet's spiritual sight. "The good words, and comfort able words " (i. i 3), which formed the message in the first three visions, contained the promises, not only of the over throw of the Gentile world-powers " who lift up their horn to scatter Judah, Israel, and Jerusalem " (i. 1 821); not only of the restoration of the still-dispersed people to Palestine, and of the future enlargement and prosperity of the Promised Land, and of the Holy City, which shall then be inhabited as villages in an open plain " for the multitude of men and cattle therein " (ii. 4); but of the restored spiritual relation ship between God and His people, and of the return of the glory of the personal Presence of Jehovah in the Person of Messiah, for evermore to dwell in their midst, the result of which would be that " many nations shall be joined to Jehovah in that day " and be His people, and the whole earth be made to know the immutable fact and gracious purpose in His election of Judah and Jerusalem as His peculiar "portion " (ii. 5, 10, 1 1).

But the question might well have suggested itself to the prophet's mind, How can these things be? Has not Israel by his grievous sins and moral defilement for ever forfeited his place and made himself unfit to be again Jehovah's sanctuary and appointed minister of blessing to the nations?

As if in answer to this probable inward questioning,