Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/145

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himself unfit to be again Jehovah's sanctuary and appointed minister of blessing to the nations?

As if in answer to this question, the vision in the 3rd chapter is shown to the prophet, from which he is to learn (i) that the fulfilment of "the good words and comfortable words " of promise, rests, not on Israel's merits or worthi ness, but on the immutable purpose of Jehovah, Who, in His free sovereign grace, hath " chosen Jerusalem," and Whose gifts and calling are without repentance.

(2) The solution of the moral problem, how the Holy One can dwell in the midst, and accept and use the ministry of those who are defiled by sin, is realistically presented to the prophet in the transformation which he witnesses as taking place in the case of Joshua, who stands before the Angel of Jehovah, not in his private capacity, but as the high priest and representative of the people.

Like the filthy garments in which their representative had been clothed, so shall the Lord remove the moral filth of the daughter of Zion, and cause her iniquity to pass away in that " one day " when her eyes shall be opened to behold the glorious Person and atoning work of her Messiah, who, in allusion to the prophecies in the second half of Isaiah (especially chap, liii.), is called " My Servant," and also by the well-known Messianic title, " The Branch"

(Hi. 8).

Thus, clothed in the righteousness of Him, Who " by His knowledge makes the many righteous," and arrayed in the " rich apparel," or festal attire of priestly garments, with the high-priestly mitre, to which was fastened the plate of gold with Qodesh la- Yehovah on his head, Israel shall be fitted, not only for fellowship with Jehovah, but to go forth on the mission for which he was originally chosen and destined, namely, to disseminate the truth and the blessings of Jehovah among the nations. Now, in beautiful order of sequence we have the vision in chap, iv., which presents to us Israel as the Light of the world.