Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/153

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Spirit, which shall then be shed upon them abundantly, that Israel's candlestick shall yet shine with a sevenfold brilliancy for the illumination of all the nations of the earth.

II. The Message (vers. 6-10)

The contemplation of God's determinate counsel and the glimpse of Israel's future glory are to serve as a stimulus and encouragement to the leaders and people in the then present.

The prophet having with humility confessed his ignorance of the true import of the symbolism, the interpreting angel answered and said: " This (vision in as far as it embodies a prophecy] is the word of. Jehovah unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, saith Jehovah of hosts" The word >JH, hayil (" might "), which also means an " army," or " host," probably stands for the strength of many; while 03, ko ach, stands for that of one man. The two might be taken to express human strength and power of every description physical, mental, and moral individual, or the combined strength of the multitude. All of themselves can neither advance nor retard the accomplish ment of His purpose. The real motive power by which Israel's mission, as set forth by the candlestick, shall eventually be fulfilled, namely, " My Spirit, saith Jehovah," must be the only resource also of Zerubbabel in the prosecution of the task of rebuilding the Temple which shall be the visible proof and symbol of the restored fellowship between Jehovah and His people, and hence an indispensable preparation for the accomplishment of Israel's mission as the light of the nations.

Now this Almighty Spirit of Jehovah " of Ts bhaoth " was now present, dwelling in the midst of the returned remnant of the people; for, in effect this message through Zechariah is but an amplified reiteration of the word of Jehovah to Zerubbabel and his companion by the mouth of Haggai about four months before: "Be strong-; for I am with you, saith Jehovah of hosts, according to the word that I covenanted with you when ye came out of Egypt, so My