Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/231

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which may be described as the negative part of the answer, being contained in chap. vii. 414; and the second, or positive part, in chap. viii. Each of these two larger divisions is, however, again subdivided into two sections. The whole answer, thus falling into four parts, each of which begins with the words, "And the word of Jehovah of hosts came to me> saying" (vii. 4, 8, viii. I, 18) the usual formula, as has already been poiflkd out, by which the prophets authenticated their messages as being not of, or from, themselves, but from the mouth of the Lord.

We said at the beginning that, though these two chapters are a prophecy separate and complete in itself, it will be found on close examination to go over the same line of thought as unfolded in the series of visions in the first six chapters. The outstanding feature of this prophecy, even as it was of the visions, is that they are debharim tobhim, debharim nichummim (" good words, even comforting words," chap. i. 1 3). In both there are the consolatory anouncements that " Jehovah is jealous for Zion with great jealousy," and will " return to Jerusalem with mercies "; and that not only would the people be restored and the land be rebuilt, but that He Himself would dwell in the midst of Jerusalem, which should be known henceforth as the " city of truth " and " the holy mountain " the centre to which the Gentile nations shall come to seek Jehovah to be taught in His way.[1]

But as the consolatory messages in the visions are introduced by a call to repentance, and the reminder that all their sorrows and troubles were occasioned by their disobedience to the words which Jehovah had spoken to them through the former prophets (chap. i. I 6), so also the wonderful prophecy of the future blessing of Israel and the future glory of Jerusalem in chap. viii. is preceded by what is practically also a call to repentance in chap. vii. 4-14, and the exhortation to give heed at last to the words of the same " former prophets."

  1. Comp. chap. i. 14 with viii. 2; chap. i. 16 with viii. 3; chap. ii. 4 with viii. 4, 5; chap. ii. 10, II with viii. 3, 20-23.