Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/333

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Indeed, we know by comparing scripture with scripture that before the instruments of war shall finally be " cut off," and the Messiah is manifested as the Judge and " Reprover " of strong nations, so that they " shall beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning-hooks," and neither learn nor practise war any more, the greatest war which this afflicted earth has ever seen is to take place, during which time the nations will " beat their plough shares into swords, and pruning-hooks into spears."

But this is sure and certain, that however long the pause may last, God never loses the thread of the purpose which He has formed for this earth ; and as surely as the prophecies of the sufferings of Christ have been literally fulfilled, so surely will those also be which relate to His glory and reign ; and although Israel and the nations have had to wait long for it, the angels song at the birth of our Saviour, " Peace on earth and goodwill toward men," will yet be realised, and Christ will not only be owned by His own people as " the King of the Jews," but His rule will extend " from sea to sea, and from the river even unto the ends of the earth."

Meanwhile, while He is still rejected on earth, He is exalted at the right hand of God in heaven ; and to those who already recognise Him as King, and render to Him the glad allegiance of their hearts, He already " speaks peace," yea, a peace which passeth all understanding even in the midst of outward strife and travail such as the world can never give nor take away.

The last seven verses of the pth chapter (to which the whole of the I oth chapter is linked) set forth in fuller detail the results of the advent and mission of the Redeemer- King, more particularly in relation to Israel nationally. The prophet had spoken of Messiah in the loth verse, as the One who would also " speak peace to the (Gentile) nations," whose dominion would extend even " to the ends of the earth " ; now he turns again to Zion and Israel. " As for thee (or, literally, thou also ), by (or because of ) the blood of thy covenant I have sent forth " (or release,