Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/341

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blessing. But commensurate with privilege is responsi bility, and of him to whom much is given much is required. Therefore when Israel sinned he was visited with " double " punishment. This is the explanation of such passages as " She hath received of the Lord s hand double " (kiphlayim " twofold ") " for all her sins " ; x or, " I will recompense their iniquity and their sin double " (mishneh " a repeti tion " ; once and again) " because they have defiled My land . . . and have filled Mine inheritance with their abominations." 2 This is the key and explanation of the woeful history of the Jewish people during the centuries of their banishment and dispersion. This is why under the whole heaven it hath not been done as has been done upon Jerusalem ; 3 and that, as Josephus complains, Israel s sorrows and sufferings surpass that of all the rest of mankind.

But Israel s disobedience and consequent sufferings are not to last for ever. Even in their dispersion they are, as we have seen, " prisoners of the hope," and when restored to their land and brought back into favour as God s " first born " among the nations, then "for their shame they shall have double " mishneh " and for the " (or, instead of) " confusion they shall rejoice in their portion ; therefore in their land they shall possess the double. Everlasting joy sJiall be unto them" 4

And it is particularly this grand prophecy in Isa. Ixi., to which, as it seems to me, there is this inspired reference in our passage in Zechariah when he announces to them in their then still national day of gloom that God will cause the double to return to them.

From the final results to Israel and the nations of the advent and mission of the Messiah we are in the next three verses taken back to the process.

Before Judah shall finally be saved, and Israel possess again in their land the " double " portion of blessing and privilege, Gentile world-power must be broken, and the

1 Isa. xl. 2. 2 Jer. xvi. 18.

3 Dan. ix. 12. * Isa. Ixi. 7.