Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/374

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image, " pictures those trampled upon as what they had become the mire of the streets as worthless, as foul." l But not in their own strength shall they prevail, they shall | be and " fight " as heroes, " because Jehovah is with them" the source and secret of their strength therefore, " the riders upon horses " the enemies cavalry, the most formid able arm of the hostile forces shall be put to shame, or j. confounded.

Yes, Israel in that day shall experience the truth of j

the words of their sweet Psalmist :


" Some trust in chariots and some in horses ; But we will make mention of the Name of Jehovah our \

God ;

They are bowed down and fallen ; But we are risen up and stand upright."

And the great deliverance which Jehovah shall then accomplish for Israel will embrace the entire nation, which in Zechariah s prophecies are regarded as no longer divided into two separate kingdoms, but as one people, with a common and inseparable destiny. " And I will strengthen the house of Judah ; and I will save the house of Joseph ; and \ I will bring them again, and make them dwell (or settle \ them ) / for I have mercy upon them, and they shall be as \ though I had not cast them off ; for I am Jehovah their God, i and I will hear them"

In keeping with Zechariah s very terse style, and the summaries which we find sometimes in single words and expressions, both in the first and second parts of his book, of utterances by the " former prophets," we have here embodied in the one word DTiUKTii (which the Authorised Version has translated, " I will bring them again to place them "), the promise uttered fully by Jeremiah, namely : " / will bring them again into this place, and I will cause them to dwell safely" 2 for the most satisfactory grammatical explanation of the Hebrew word is that it is a blending of two verbs which have the respective meanings of " I will

1 Pusey. 2 Jer. xxxii. 37.