Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/447

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was to come upon Israel in case of their apostasy. In the 2nd verse the prophet uses the symbol of the cup, or goblet, of reeling, which, as we have seen, had also been used in the first instance of Israel. Among the other plagues which Israel has had long to drink out of that "cup" are those enumerated in Deut. xxviii. 28 : "Jehovah shall smite thee with madness, and with blindness, and with astonishment, or bewilderment? But when Zion s warfare shall be accomplished and her iniquity pardoned, and God s time to favour Zion comes, He says : " / will take out of thine hand the cup of reeling, even the bowl of the cup of My fury : thou shalt no more drink again, and I will put it into the hand of them that afflict thee" and they shall drink to the dregs these very plagues.

The effect of the enemies of Israel being smitten with these three plagues has been thus described : " The terrified horses of the cavalry of the assembled hosts (being thus suddenly smitten with bewilderment, or terror, are repre sented as unable any longer to be guided by bit and bridle. The riders in their madness are described as unable to manage their steeds, while the steeds themselves are portrayed as struck with blindness (or blind staggers ), and therefore unable to escape from the dangers around them. And while the enemies of God s people will find themselves in such straits at the very moment when they imagined that they had gained the victory, and while, instead of chasing the vanquished Jews in headlong flight, they themselves are described as rushing upon destruction, Jehovah will open His eyes upon the house of Judah , which stands here for the whole covenant nation."

And that look of Jehovah, through the eyes of their Messiah Jesus, upon His long unbelieving and rebellious people a look of love and pity, not unmixed with tender reproach will have something of the same effect on stubborn Israel as the look of the Lord Jesus on Peter from the hall of Caiaphas the high priest, 1 when that apostle had thrice denied Him. It will at last soften and

1 Luke xxii. 6l, 62.