Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/478

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sanctifieth to the purifying of the flesh, how much more shall the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without spot to God, purge our 1 conscience from dead works to serve the living God."

But, it may be objected, if it is the blood of Christ which constitutes the cleansing stream which shall wash away Israel s " sins and uncleanness," then the fountain was " opened " nineteen centuries ago on Calvary ; whereas this is a prophecy of the national purification of Israel which is to take place " in that day " which is yet future.

For answer, I repeat what I stated in my notes on chap. iii. 9 : " I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day " namely, that what is here predicted will assuredly be fulfilled only on the ground and as a blessed consequence of " the day of Golgotha," when Christ, through the eternal Spirit, offered Himself without spot unto God ; but actually and experimentally the great "day" of Israel s national repentance and of cleansing will take place when the spirit of grace and of supplications shall be poured out upon them, and they shall look upon Him whom they have pierced. The cleansing fountain for sin and for uncleanness was opened once and for all when " the Lamb of God " was slain and His precious blood shed ; but to the sinner actually and experimentally the Day of Calvary is the day his eyes are opened to the true meaning to himself of the great redeeming work there accomplished, and when the Spirit of God applies Jesus blood and righteousness and high-priestly intercession to his own need. Thus " in that day " it will be with Israel nationally. The fountain will be opened then " to the house of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem," because " then the eyes of the blind shall be opened z for the first time to behold the Lamb of God, and to perceive the atoning value and efficacy of the offering which He once made for the sins of many.

Blessed be God ! the fountain once opened shall never

1 Many ancient authorities read " our," and not " your," as in the Authorised and Revised Versions."

  • Isa. xxxv. 5.