Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/513

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irst also to witness His manifestation in glory ; and that His blessed feet, which in the days of His flesh walked vearily over this mountain on the way to Bethany shall, in that day," be planted here in triumph and majesty.

In response to the actual presence of the Divine Tiajesty of the Son of God on this earth, the Mount of Dlives, on which He shall descend, shall be cleft in two from east to west ; half of it moving to the north and half to the south, forming " a very great valley."

Into this valley the remnant still remaining in Jeru-

lem will flee, 1 " like as ye fled from before the earthquake the days of UzziaJi king of Judah? of which earthquake

ere is no other mention in Scripture except in Amos i. I.

ut it must have been very terrible indeed, since the

emory of it survived for more than two centuries, and could still be referred to by the prophet as an occurrence

resh in the minds of the people. " Ye shall flee," as the

Hebrew Text reads, " into MY mountains " the lofty precipitous sides of this newly-formed chasm, or valley, being called His mountains, because they were formed by an act of His power. This may, in a sense, be regarded as a parallel to the passage through the Red Sea after it was divided by the power of God, and " the waters were a wall unto them on their right hand and on their left " (Ex. xiv. 22).

The occasion of this flight will not only be fear of the destroying enemy, and the terror inspired by the earth quake, but they shall flee most of all " for fear of Jehovah, and the glory of His majesty," when thus suddenly and

nexpectedly " the Lord my God shall come" in the person

f their long-rejected Messiah, " and all the holy ones with TJiee " by which are meant, not only the myriads of His holy angels, but His saints, who are also called CW" 1!?,

edosJdm (" holy ones "), and who shall have been caught up to meet the Lord in the air.

1 The Massoretic reading, onpfi, venastem, " Ye shall flee," is doubtless the correct one, and not 09511, venistant, " shall be stopped up," which is found in several MSS, and adopted in the Targum, the Septuagint, and other versions.