Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/523

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II. Another glorious issue of the solemn events described in the first seven verses of our chapter will be the establishment of Messiah s righteous and beneficent rule on earth, and the fulfilment of the prayer which has ascended from the yearning hearts of the faithful in all ages : " Thy Kingdom come." This is announced in the 9th verse : " And Jehovah shall be King over all the earth : in that day shall JeJiovah be one and His Name one." In this great and comprehensive prophecy we note especially two or three points : (a) "Jehovah shall be King " but according to the united and harmonious testimony of the prophetic Scriptures it will be Jehovah in the person of the Messiah, Jehovah-Jesus, Immanuel He whose feet shall in that day stand on the Mount of Olives which is before Jerusalem on the east who will thus set up His Kingdom and rule on this earth. And He will be King, not only in virtue of His being the Son of God, in whose coming and reign the long-promised rule of God Himself on this earth shall at last be realised in the fullest possible measure, but by reason of His being the Son of Man the second Adam the appointed Lord of creation, in whom the original purpose of God in the creation of man and of the world shall be fulfilled, and as the Son of David, in whom all the promises of the Messianic Kingdom are centred, before whose birth it was announced by the angel from heaven, " He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest ; and the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David. And He shall reign over the House of Jacob for ever ; and of His Kingdom there shall be no end."

All that is implied in the blessed announcement that Jehovah Himself shall at last be King over this earth, and in the person of His own Son, who is at the same time the man after His own heart, visibly rule among the nations, we cannot yet fully conceive. " Our ideas of kingship," to quote the words of a master in Israel, " are limited, and do not come up to the Divine conception." * Man has had experience of rule, or kingship on earth, but " the true or

1 Adolph Saphir.