Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/561

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ing, 6 ; final events clearly foretold in, 7, 8 ; opinion of Luther with regard to, 5 ; reasons for their special value to Christians, 5, 6, 7 ; their vivid and detailed nature, 5, 6.

Zechariah, prophecies of, compared with those of Haggai, 9, 10 ; fulfilment of, concerning Jerusalem, 64, 65, 66, 68 ; peace and prosperity for Jeru salem, foretold in, 63-65, 234-235 ; post-exilic, 238-240 ; return of Messiah as predicted by, 232-234 ; their special characteristic, 46 ; their structure and division, 9, 10 ; their symbolic nature, 85, 86.

Zechariah, the prophet, crowning of Joshua by, significance of, 21 ; descent of, 7 ; final messages of, 21 ; Haggai as contemporary and fellow- labourer of, 8 ; introductory address, 10-17, 21 ; Jeremiah and Ezekiel compared with, 7, 8; " Naar," probable reason for application of term to, 7, 60, 61 ; outburst of prayer by, 99 ; personality of, 7.

Zechariah, visions of, first vision, the

Angel of Jehovah among the myrtle trees, 21-41 ; second vision, the horns and carpenters, 45-54 ; third vision, the man with the measuring line, 57-82 ; fourth vision, Joshua before the Angel of Jehovah, 85-122 ; fifth vision, " The Candlestick," 130-140 ; sixth vision, the Flying Roll, 143- 151 ; seventh vision, the ephah, 155- 170 ; eighth vision, the four chariots, 173-183; climax of, crowning of Joshua, 187-206 ; connection be tween fourth and fifth visions, 135, 136; consolatory message conveyed in three first visions, 40, 45, 57, 59, 62, 85, 127-129, 229, 230, 231, 232; reference to recapitulation of, 375 ; striking connection between first and last, 175; symbolical significance of details in the, 165.

Zerubbabel, civil and ecclesiastical powers, represented by, 166 ; crown ing of, no justification for interpreta tion as to, 189-190, 192.

Zohar, on the coming of the Messiah, 306.