Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/64

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future glory of Israel as already come. And thus, also, these four powers, though successive in time, are exhibited to Zechariah together, and their antagonism and cruelty to God's people as already past and gone, " as each would be at the last, having put forth his passing might and perishing."

But the question may be asked, What consolation could the prophet derive or communicate to the people from a vision of four powers, two of whom at least had not yet arisen, who would in turn take up the work of scattering Israel? And the answer, dear reader, is, that though it may have been intended as an indication to the prophet, and a forecast that the final deliverance of Israel and the overthrow of Israel's foes, was, from the prophet's point of time, yet remote, the wonderful and consoling fact set forth in the vision remains; that in spite of all the great Gentile powers, who would each in turn take up the work of scattering and afflicting Israel, Israel would not be wholly swallowed up nor be overwhelmed, but would remain when all those powers should have disappeared, and would triumph in God's deliverance when the memory of their mighty enemies should be buried in shame and oblivion.

To us, looking back upon a period the length of which was unforeseen even by prophets, embracing some two and a half millenniums during which this comparative handful of people have been " scattered " and " tossed " about, by and among the nations, without being destroyed from off the earth, and without losing its national characteristics and identity, the marvel of Israel's continued preservation must appear much greater than to any one living in the time of Zechariah or Daniel, and can only be accounted for by the special providences and interpositions of Him who swore that so long as the sun and the ordinances of the moon and the stars continue, so long should Israel continue a nation before Him " for ever "; and who said in advance, even before the course of these four great Gentile world-powers, who would be permitted to scatter Israel, commenced: " For I am with thee, saith Jehovah, to save thee: for I will