Page:Visions and Prophecies of Zechariah (Baron, David).djvu/91

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proclaimed that he that toucheth her toucheth the apple of His eye, and is accounted as His enemy.

And in this tender love and faithfulness of Jehovah to His unworthy Israel, you may see a picture of His un changeable love and faithfulness to you also, dear reader; for if you have learned to put your trust under the shadow of His wings, and in Christ have been brought into covenant relationship with Him, then you are loved of Him with the same love with which He loves His only-begotten Son, and are as dear and indispensable to Him as the dearest member of your body can be to you. You may therefore apply this figure also to yourself individually, and pray with David

Keep me as the apple of Thine eye; Hide me under the shadow of Thy wings."

But the greatest promise in this vision and prophecy is that expressed in the words, " Lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord" (ver. 10); which not only formed the ground and object of the expectations of the godly remnant of Israel in ancient times, but is still " the Blessed Hope " in the New Testament

The speaker is still the Malakh Yehovah, the blessed, Divine Angel, in and through whom is fully manifested God's name (Ex. xxiii. 21), "the Angel of His Face," because he that seeth Him hath seen the Father. It is the same who speaks in the 4Oth Psalm: " Lo, I come; in the scroll of the book it is written of Me," on which Luther well observes: " There is but one Person, and that is the Messiah; and there is but one Book, and that is the Bible in the whole of which it is written of Him."

And it is no wonder that in the glorious anticipation of His Advent, and the blessed consequences which are to follow, " the daughter of Zion " is called upon to " sing (or shout for joy ) and rejoice "; which again (as is characteristic of the whole of Zechariah) is a terse summary of the joyful exclamations of the former prophets, whose hearts also glowed with joy and yearning whenever (though as yet from afar) they caught a glimpse of the King in His