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under the church porch. If you do it, continued he, we will allow that you are the most spirited man in the whole village; you shall have a real from each of us, as a recompence for your bravery, and from that moment we shall no longer believe in ghosts or apparitions.' The incredulous peasant hesitated for some time; and owned at last, that although he was not afraid to perform the task, yet he did not like to be rash. A young girl, who stood at a cottage door, and had heard their conversation, offered herself immediately to perform that fearful task, if they would give her the proposed reward. The peasants were all astonished at the proposal, and instantly agreed to it. Maria accordingly went to the church-yard, and soon after returned loaded with the horrible skeleton, which she laid on the table on which they had been drinking, to the no small terror of the whole company, who stared at each other with terror and surprise at the uncommon instance of spirit in so young a girl. The peasant who had pretended to disbelieve the different tales of apparitions, and treated them with derision, was more frightened than his companions, and in a trembling voice, offered to give her a ducat if she would instantly carry the frightful skeleton back again to the place from which she had taken it. The courageous Maria took it up, and proceeded with it towards the church-yard. When she reached the church door, she endeavoured to lay it down,