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315-6. Augmented by these two, desires produce one's transmigration. The way to destroy these three, however, lies in looking upon everything, under all cir- cumstances, always, everywhere and in all respects, as Brahman and Brahman alone. Through the strengthening of the longing to be one with Brahman those three are annihilated.

[ I'hese three — selfish work, dwelling on sense- objects and sense-hankering for ihem. The next Sloka gives the steps to realisation. ]

317. With the cessation of selfish action the brooding on sense-objects is stopped, which is followed by the destruction of desires. The destruction of desires is Liberation, and this is considered as Liberation-in-life.

318. When the desire for realising the Brahman has a marked manifestation the egoistic desires readily vanish, as the most

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