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Sloka #19

आदौ नित्यानित्यवस्तुविवेकः परिगण्यते ।
इहामुत्रफलभोगविरागस्तदनन्तरम् ।
शमादिषट्कसम्पत्तिर्मुमुक्षुत्वमिति स्फुटम् ॥१९॥


19. First is enumerated the discrimination between the Real and the unreal, next comes the aversion to the enjoyment of fruits (of one's actions) here and hereafter, (next is) the group of six attributes, viz., calmness and the rest, and (last) is clearly the yearning for Liberation.

Sloka #20

ब्रह्म सत्यं जगन्मिथ्येत्येवंरूपो विनिश्चयः ।
सोऽयं नित्यानित्यवस्तुविवेकः समुदाहृतः ॥२०॥


20 A firm conviction of the mind to the effect that Brahman is real and the universe unreal, is designated as the discrimination (Viveka) between the Real and the unreal.

Sloka #21

तद्वैराग्यं जिहासा या दर्शनश्रवणादिभिः ।
देहादिब्रह्मपर्यन्ते ह्यनित्ये भोगवस्तुनि ॥२१॥


21. Vairagya or renunciation is the desire to give up all transitory enjoyments (ranging) from those of an (animate) body to those of Brahmanhood, (having already known their defects) from o bservat ion, instruction and so forth.

[From ... Brahmanhood. Brahman is the