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Pivot — which is fixed, on which the wheel turns.]

552. He neither directs the sense-organs to their objects, nor detaches them from these, but stays like an unconcerned spectator. And he has not the least re- gard for the fruits of actions, his mind being thoroughly inebriated with drinking the undiluted elixir of the Bliss of Atman.

[ For ^r^^ in the last line of the Sloka. there }S another reading SEfR^ which should be trans- lated as " including all minor joys." ]


��553. He who, giving up all such con siderations as this is a fit object of raedi tation and this is not, lives as the Abso lute Atman, is verily Shiva Himself, ane he is the best among Knowers of Brahman

[ Fit object — and is therefore to be welcomec while the other is to be shunned. ]

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