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Translation contd

tongues of a forest-fire. Blessed are those on whom even a passing glance of thine eye lights, accepting them as thine own.

[Stripped of metaphor the Sloka would mean: Take pity on me and teach me the way ont of this world and its afflictions.]

Sloka #40

कथं तरेयं भवसिन्धुमेतं का वा गतिर्मे कतमोऽस्त्युपायः ।
जाने न किञ्चित्कृपयाऽव मां प्रभो संसारदुःखक्षतिमातनुष्व ॥४०॥


40. How to cross this ocean of phenomenal existence, what is to be my fate,and which of the means should I adopt— as to these I know nothing. Condescend to save me, O Lord, and describe at length how to put an end to the misery of this relative existence.

[Which of the means: Among the various and often conflicting means prescribed in the Shastras, which am I to adopt?]

Sloka #41

तथा वदन्तं शरणागतं स्वं संसारदावानलतापतप्तम् ।
निरीक्ष्य कारुण्यरसार्द्रदृष्ट्या दद्यादभीतिं सहसा महात्मा ॥४१॥


41. As he thus speaks, tormented by the afflictions of the world — which is like