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Translation contd

has got none but himself to remove his bondage.

[In this and the next few Slokas the necessity of direct realisation is emphasised as the only means of removing Ignorance.]

Sloka #52

मस्तकन्यस्तभारादेर्दुःखमन्यैर्निवार्यते ।
क्षुधादिकृतदुःखं तु विना स्वेन न केनचित् ॥५२॥


52. The trouble such as that caused by a load on the head can be removed by others, but none but one's own self can put a stop to the pain which is caused by hunger and the like.

Sloka #53

पथ्यमौषधसेवा च क्रियते येन रोगिणा ।
आरोग्यसिद्धिर्दृष्टाऽस्य नान्यानुष्ठितकर्मणा ॥५३॥


53. The patient who takes (the proper) diet and medicine is alone seen to recover completely, — not through work done by others.

Sloka #54

वस्तुस्वरूपं स्फुटबोधचक्षुषा स्वेनैव वेद्यं न तु पण्डितेन ।
चन्द्रस्वरूपं निजचक्षुषैव ज्ञातव्यमन्यैरवगम्यते किम् ॥५४॥


54. The true nature of things is to be known personally, through the eye of clear illumination, and not through a sage: what the moon exactly is, is to be known