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यद्बोद्धव्यं तबेदानीमात्मानात्मविबेचनम् ।
तदुच्यते मया सम्यक् श्रुत्वात्मन्यवधारय ॥७१॥

71. Now I am going to tell you fully about what you ought to know—the discrimination between the Self and non-Self. Listen to it and decide about it in your mind.

त्वगाह्वयैर्धातुभिरेभिरन्वितम् ।
रङ्गैरुपाङ्गैरुपयुक्तमेतत् ॥७२॥

72. Composed of the seven ingredients viz., marrow, bones, fat, flesh, blood, skin, and cuticle, and consisting of the following limbs and their parts—legs, thighs the chest, arms, the back, and the head—

अहंममेति प्रथितं शरीरं
मोहास्पदं स्थूलमितीर्यते बुधैः ।
सूक्ष्माणि भूतानि भवन्ति तानि ॥७३॥

73. —This body, reputed to be the abode of the infatuation of 'I and mine,' is designated by sages as the gross body. The sky, air, fire, water and earth are subtle elements. They—

[The sky, air etc,—These are the materials out