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as dependent on the Atman manifesting through them, and not independently, be- cause the Atman is by its very nature the most beloved of all. Therefore the Atman is ever blissful, and never suffers misery.

[ Vide Bri. Upa. — Yajnavalkya's teachings to his wife Maitreyi. ]

107. That in profound sleep we ex- perience the bliss of Atman independent of sense-objects, is clearly attested by Sruti, direct perception, tradition, and inference.

[ Sruti — Chhandogya, Brihad^ranyaka, Kausi- taki and other Upanishads.

J a grail — is a plural verb. ]

108. Avidya (Nescience) or Ma}^^ called also the Undifferentiated, is the power of the Lord. It is without beginning, is made up of the three Gunas and is superior to the effects (as their cause) . She is to be inferred by one of clear intellect only from the effects She produces.

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