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is tlhe constaiit realisation of infinite Bliss, T\'ho is ever the same, yet reflecting through the different mental modifications, ^nd commanded by whom the organs and Pranas perform their functions.

[ iKfiermost Self — Vide Bri. III. 4 and elsewhere.

Jiifleciitig etc. — Compare Kena II. 12.

Commanded by whom ^c. — See the opening Sloka of the same Upanishad and the reply givea to it later on. ]

^^RTH^T f^^^ftr^: !T^m^ \\\\\^

132. In this very body, in the mind fnll -of Sattva^ in the secret chamber of the intellect, in the Akasa known as the Un- manifested, the Atman, of charming splendour, shines like the sun aloft, mani- festing this universe through Its own efful- gence.

[ This Sloka gives t^e hint wh-ere to look in for the Atmen. First of all there i« the gross body ; within this there is the mind or " inner organ," of which Buddhi or intelligence, characterised hy determination^ is the most developed form ; ^vithin Buddhi again, pervading it, is the causal body known as the Unmanifested. We must seek ti)£ Aiman iofeide this. The idea is that

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