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141. The man of perverted intellect, having his self-knowledge swallowed up by the shark of utter ignorance, himself imitates the various states of the Intellect (Buddhi) as that is its superimposed attri- bute — and drifts up and down in this boundless ocean of Samsara full of the poison of sense-enjoyment, now sinking, now rising, — a miserable fate indeed !

[ Himself imitates fe'c.— The Self is the real nature of every being, but a mistaken identification with the Buddhi causes him to appear as if he were active. See note on Sloka 135.

Sarnsdra — the entire relative existence.

Up and down : sinking and mz>/^.— Acquiring different bodies such as the angelic or the animal, according to the good and bad deeds performed, and enjoying or suffering therein. ]

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