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165. The Prana, with which we are all faniiiiar, coupled with the five organs of action, forms the Vital Sheath, permeated by which the Material Sheath enga^^es it- self in all activities as if it were living.

[ Orga7is of acfio?i — The brain centres which control speech, manual activity, locomotion, ex- cretion and reproduction. See Sloka 92.

Material Sheath — described in Slokas 154 and following.

This activity which the Vital Sheath is here said to impart is again a borrowed one, as will appear tVon^ the last line of the next Sloka.

For a description of the Five Kosas (Sheaths) the reader is referred to the Taittiriya Upa., second Valli or chapter. ]

166. Neither is the Vital Sheath the Self — because it is a modification of Vayu and like the air it enters into and comes out of the body, and because it never

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