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191. Owing to its connection with the superimpositions the Supreme Self, even though naturally perfect and eternally un- changing, assumes the qualities of the superimpositions and appears to act just as they do — ^like the changeless fire assum- ing the modifications of the iron which it turns red-hot.

[ Naturally perfect— Ox the phrase qi;: PTfT^nr^ may mean *' transcending Nature."

Mcdificatiom — such as size, shape etc. ]

192. The disciple questioned, *' Be it through delusion or otherwise that the Supreme Self has come to consider Itself as the Jiva, this superimposition is with- out beginning, and that which has no beginning cannot be supposed to have an end either.

[ Jiva — individual soul, or the Self under self- imposed limitations. ]

193. '* Therefore the Jivahood of the Soul also must have no end, and its transmit

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