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entreaties, threats, and supplications of Mr. Sadler.

Her Ladyship had been what they style a splendid woman; she was now passata, although with the aid of cachemeres, diamonds, and turbans, her tout ensemble was still very striking. Her Ladyship was not remarkable for any thing, save a correct taste for poodles, parrots, and bijouterie, and a proper admiration of Theodore Hook, and John Bull.

"Oh! Marquess," exclaimed her Ladyship, and a favourite green parrot, which came flying in after its accustomed perch, her Ladyship's left shoulder, shrieked at the same time in concert—"Oh! Marquess, my poor Julie! You know we've noticed how nervous she has been for some days past, and I had just given her a saucer of arrow-root and milk, and she seemed a little easier, and I said to Miss Graves, 'I really do think she is a leetle better,' and Miss