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I shall be most happy to introduce you to Lord Devildrain. There was an interview. What think you of that? Stanislaus told me all, circumstantially, and after dinner—I don't doubt that it 's quite true. What would you give for the secret history of the 'rather yellow, rather yellow,' chanson. I dare not tell it you. It came from a quarter that will quite astound you, and in a very elegant, small, female hand. You remember Lambton did stir very awkwardly in the Lisbon business. Stanislaus wrote all the songs that appeared in the first numbers, except that; but he never wrote a single line of prose for the first three months: it all came from Vivida Vis.

"I like the Marquess of Grandgoût so much! I hope he'll be elevated in the peerage:—he looks as if he wanted it so! Poor dear man!

"Oh! do you know I've discovered a liaison between Bull, and Blackwood. I'm to be in the next Noctes; I forget the words of the chorus