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sister-in-law's niece—we coursed three hares and killed one just opposite Gunter"s on the hill, who's a bit of a relation again on my wife's side; so I just looked in and took a crust of bread and cheese, for civility costs nothing—that's my maxim.

"The new Beer bill is felt a grievance.—John Sandys says as my men won't be satisfied with less than ten strike to the hogshead; this is remarkable wrong. So you may make your mind easy about John Conyers: I've been talking to my mistress, and the upshot of it is, that I'll take my old horse and ride over to Stapylton Toad, and settle with him about the removal; and if I can give you any more information on this point, or any thing else relating to our part of the world, or the cornlaws in general, I shall be very happy to remain

"Your honour's obedient servant,
"Daniel Groves.