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take my place in the quietest corner, and there I sit, and pass other men's fees and briefs like a twopenny postman, only without pay. Well! 'tis six o'clock—dinner-time—at the bottom of the table—carve for all—speak to none—nobody speaks to me—must wait till last to sum up, and pay the bill. Reach home quite devoured by spleen, after having heard every one abused, who happened to be absent.

"You wished me many briefs, but only one of your wishes has come to pass, and that at this place; but I flatter myself I got up the law of the case in a most masterly style; and I am sure you will allow me to be capable of so doing, when I relate the particulars:—

"Indictment states, that prisoner on, &c., at, &c., from out of a certain larder, stole a pork pie.

"2d. count—a meat pie.

"3d. count—a pie in general.

"The great question was, whether the offence