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"Plea.—That the defendants, eight in number, entered in aid of the constable, under warrant of a magistrate, to search for stolen goods.

"John Staff, examined by Mr. Shuffleton.

"'Well, Mr. Constable, what have you to say bout this affair?'

"'Why, Sir, I charged them men to assist me in the King's name.'

"'What, eight of you? why, there was only an old woman, and a boy, and the servant girl in the house. You must have been terribly frightened at them, eh?'

"'Can't say for that. Sir, only they was needful.'

"'Why, what could you want so many for?'

"'Why, you see, Sir, I couldn't read the warrant myself, so I charged Abraham Lockit to read it for me; and when he came, he said as it was Squire Jobson's writing, and so he could not; and then I had occasion to charge Simon Lockit, and he read it.'