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a similar warning to two very pretty young ladies in pink bonnets and green pelisses. They were however, so obstinate as to remain in court, until they had heard the whole circumstantial, and improper, evidence, of the destruction of the maid's cap. When it was all over, his Lordship once more fixed his large eyes on the constable, and thus delivered himself:—

"'Now, Mr. Constable, to remove the sting of any remark which may have dropped from me during this trial, I will allow that, very probably, you had reason to laugh.'—Mr. Constable looked quite relieved.

"By way of variety, I will give you a specimen of his Lordship's style of cross-examination.

"Enter a witness, with a flourishing pair of whiskers, approximating to a King Charles.

"Mr. Justice St. Prose.—'Pray, Sir, who are you?'

"Whiskered Witness.—'An architect, my Lord.'