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éloge of equal length on the esprit du Christianisme, in a style worthy of Chateaubriand."

"Miserable work, indeed! I have got a pamphlet on the West India Question sent me this morning. Do you know any raving lawyer, any mad Master in Chancery, or something of the kind, who meddles in these affairs?"

"Oh! Stephen! a puddle in a storm! He's for a crusade for the regeneration of the Antilles—the most forcible of feebles—the most energetic of drivellers,—Velluti acting Pietro L'Eremita."

"Do you know, by any chance, whether Southey's Vindiciæ is out yet. I wanted to look it over during the holidays."

"Not out—though it has been advertised some time: but what do you expect?"

"Nay! it's an interesting controversy, as controversies go. Not exactly Milton, and Salmasius—but fair enough."

"Oh! I don't know. It has long degene-