Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/34

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Of these words, ἀσθενικός, ταρακτικός, and τοπαστικός appear first in Menander.


Verbal adjectives in -τος were included in this investigation because they appear to be very common in the pages of Menander, rather than because they are frequent in the Koine.[1] The statistics here collected bear out in general the statement of Jannaris, to the effect that it became far more popular since Graeco-Roman times; except that perhaps their popularity began slightly earlier than he asserts. The fact that they were so late in coming into favor seems to show that it is a mere personal pecularity in Menander. The table follows:

Author No. of different
words in -τος
No. of
Words in -τος
in 113 pp.
a. In Körte's Menandrea 29 60
b. In all fragments 69 113 69
Aristophanes 164 537 64
Thucydides 129 640 50
Plato 333 2350 29
Demosthenes 120 965 40
Polybius 263 1552 34
Plutarch 869 5177 110

The following 13 verbal adjectives in -τος are not found in Attic writers: ἀπαρηγόρητος, ἀσυλλόγιστος, ἀχόρταστος, δυσδιάθετος, δυσνουθέτητος, δυσπαρακολούθητος, δύσφευκτος, ἔγχυτος, εὐλοιδόρητος, (καταπλαστόν, κατάστικτον in these meanings), μελίπηκτον, τρίπρατος. Of these only ἀπαρηγόρητος, ἀσυλλόγιστος, ἔγχυτος, and μελίπηκτον are used before Menander.


The formation of verbs in -ίζω seems to have been very popular in the every day language of Athens, from the testimony of comedy.[2] Probably for this reason these verbs are very frequent in the later speech.[3] Menander's use of them may be seen from the following table:

  1. See Jannaris, Hist. Gr. Gram. p. 297 § 1052; Mayser, l. c., p. 455. Cf. Blass, NT Gram.2 p. 38: "Endlich ist das Adj. verb. so gut wie ausgegangen, mit Ausn. der zu Adjekt. erstarrten Formen wie δυνατός."
  2. Helbing, Gram. d. Septuaginta, p. 125.
  3. Mayser, l. c., p. 466; Winer-Schmiedel, l. c. I8 § 3.2e; Thumb, Hdb. d. neugr. Gram. p. 79; Jannaris, l. c., p. 222 § 868.