Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/45

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hardly suitable to this passage, but is satisfactory in the other places cited. This is a development from the usage of the medical writers.

ἀμβλυωπέω 908 K. Harp. p. VII (ed. Dind.) ex Ms. K (= Venet. Marc. ἀμβλυώττειν· Ἀττικῶς τὸ μὴ σφόδρα ὁρᾶν. γράφεται δὲ κοινῶς ἀμβλυωπεῖν, ὡς Μένανδρος. Th. M. 12.3 also condemns the word. Pollux is inclined to favor it: 2.51 . . . ἀμβλυωπὸς παρ᾽ Εὐριπίδῃ· ἀλλ᾽ ἔστι ποιητικώτερον. βέλτιον δὲ ὁ ἀμβλυωπῶν. But in 4.185 and 5.69 he mentions ἀμβλυώττω, which is the only form mentioned in Etym. Magn. (80.1, 5; 766.35) and Etym. Gud. (43.11). Zonar. Lex. 158 has ἀμβλυώττω and ἀμβλυώσκω. Hesych. has both: ἀμβλυωπεῖ· τυφλώττει. ἀμβλυώττοντες· τυφλώττοντες. ἀμβλώσσει· ἀμβλυωπεῖ. ἀμβλυώττω Plat. Rep. 508 C, D, al. ἀμβλυωπέω Hipp. Progn. II p. 128.2 L. Xen. Cyneget. 5.27. Theophr. fr. 1.8. Lxx 3 Ki. 12.24 v. l.; 14.4 v. l. Plut. Mor. 53 F. Soran. Gynaec. 1.82. Aquil. 3 Ki. 14.4. Luc. Peregr. 45. Sext. Emp. Adv. Math. 5.81. Alex. Aphr. in Arist. Top. p. 327.13 Wallies. Ath. 301 E. Iambl. Protrept. 15 p. 81.12 Pistelli.

ἀμέριμνος 1083 K. Doubtful. The word occurs in the passive sense Soph. Ai. 1207: κεῖμαι δ᾽ ἀμέριμνος οὕτως. Active Philem. 92 K. 114 K. Lxx Wisd. 6.15 (16); 7.23. Posidipp. ap. A. P. 9.359.5. Antip. Thess. ap. A. P. 11.244. N T Matt. 28.14; 1 Cor. 7.32. Charit. 5.4.2. Plut. Mor. 101 B. Symm. Ps. 111 (112). 7; Is. 32.11; al. Origen I p. 46.12 Koetschau. Hdn. Hist. 3.7.11; 2.4.3; al. Euseb. H. E. 8.17.10; Constantine ap. eund. I p. 71.5 Heikel. Palladas ap. A. P. 9.165.5. Adamant. Soph. 2.26. [Polem.] ap. Foerster, Script. Physiogn. I p. 378.13. Callinicus 134.29. Epigr. Gr.11 Kaibel (Rome, Christian origin; no date) = C I G 6254. C I G 9785.1 (Rome). Gr. Urk. d. Pap. zu Leipzig ed. Mitteis 105.20 (I/IIp); 110.14 (III/IVp). Pap. Fay. I 117.22. Berl. Mus. Gr. Urk. II 372 11.16 (154 A.D.); 417.7 (II/IIIp); al. Pap. Ox. VI 933.20 (late IIp). Plin. N. H. 25.160.

ἀναγνωρισμός Epitr. 581 Körte. Arist. Poet. 10. 1452 a 16, 17. Plut. fr. de An. 7.17. Clem. Al. Strom. 1.124.2. Heliod. Aeth. 7.7; 7.14; 10.11. Schol. Soph. O. T. 354; 680; al. Schol. Eur. Or. 1691.

ἀνάδοχος 516 K. Suid. ἀνάδοχος· ἀνάδοχον, οὐκ ἀναδοχέα λέ-