Page:Vocabulary of Menander (1913).djvu/52

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XII 111 suppl. 1296.4 (Ia). Inscr. reg. Bosp. Latyschev 48, 65, 342 (I–IIIp). Letronne, Notices et Extraits des Mss. de la Bibl. imper. XVIII 2. p. 179 pap. 10.18 (145 B.C.); al. Freq. in Latin authors; e. g. Hor. Od. 2.10.8; al. Verg. Aen. 3.354.

ἀφαιάσαι 1128 K. A doubtful fragment; see Kock's note.

ἀφυβρίζω 377 K. Συν. λεξ. χρησ. ap. B.A. 473.3 ἀφυβρίσαι· μάλιστα τὸ ἀκολάστος ὑβρίσαι δηλοῖ εἰς κόρον καὶ ὥστε ἀποπληρωθῆναι. οὕτω Μένανδρος κτλ. Poll. 1.217. Alex. 45K. Plut. Vit. 897 B. Synes. Ep. 4 p. 164 A. Agathias Hist. 4.9 p. 118 B; 19 p. 128 C.

ἀχόρταστος 690.2 K. Hesychius ἀχόρταστος· ἄπληστος. Symm. Ps. 58 (59). 16. Schol. Aesch. Prom. 371. ἀχορτασία Symm. Deut. 28.20. Kock rejects l. 2 because of this word.

ἄχρις Sam. 179 Körte. Phryn. 14 L., 64 R. μέχρις καὶ ἄχρις σὺν τῷ σ ἀδόκιμα· μέχρι δὲ καὶ ἄχρι λέγε. [Hdn.] Philet. 451 ἄχρι καὶ μέχρι, ἄνευ τοῦ σ· τὸ δὲ σὺν τῷ σ, Ἰωνικόν. Moer. 34 ἄχρι, ἄνευ τοῦ σ Ἀττικῶς, ἄχρις Ἑλληνικῶς. Hellad. ap. Phot. Bibl. p. 535 a 42; Th. M. 13.11. Some authorities admit both forms: Συν. λεξ. χρησ. ap. B.A. 475.6 ἄχρι, ἄχρις· ἀντὶ τοῦ μέχρις, ἕως. See Hdn. I 511 Lentz. Some make a distinction in meaning between the two forms: Etym. Gud. 100.51 ἄχρι καὶ ἄχρις διαφέρει. τὸ μὲν γὰρ ἄχρι χωρὶς τοῦ σ, χρονικόν ἐστιν ἐπιρρημα. ἄχρις δὲ μετὰ τοῦ σ ἀντὶ τοῦ σ (sic) ἀντὶ τοῦ ἀκριβῶς κτλ. See Ammon. 27 Valck. The distinction is not borne out by the examples. Rutherford, Phryn. pp. 64 f. says: "The question has been settled by Wecklein in Curae Epigraphicae, p. 51, where he quotes from Attic inscriptions, μέχρι ἑξακοσίων (bis), μέχρι ἀνδρῶν, μέχρι τοῦ τεταγμένου, and ἄχρι τῆς συναγωγῆς. Stone records exhibit no instances of the forms with sigma even before a vowel, and the same lesson is taught by metre. . . . There is no doubt that to all Attic texts the shorter forms should be restored, without any regard to manuscripts, as even in Thucydides the copyists followed no rule, but wrote either indifferently." ἄχρις occurs Il. 4.522; 16. 324; al. [Plat.] Tim. Locr. 101 A. Theophr. fr. 5.61. Leonid. Tarent. 434 Geffcken; 523; al. Hero Alex. I 284.22 Schmid; 374.11; al. Bion 1.43. Lxx v. l. Judg. 11.33 and Job. 32.11. Apollon. Rh. 3.763; 875; al. Herond. 1.14; 3.88; al. Aretaeus "passim" (Ermerins). NT Gal. 3.19; Heb.